To many, photography means simply snapping a picture and being done with it. Photos are treated as disposable and taken on a whim, without much care for how each one turns out. If an image does not turn out as desired, people take another one, putting as little thought into that picture as the previous one.
In reality, photography is a complex and unique art form that requires more effort than just taking a picture. It requires patience and planning, and the photographer must understand essential photographic principles to take a quality picture.

Fortunately for any wannabe photographer, these principles can be taught to anyone interested right here at Paschal High School in the Photography Club. The club is sponsored by Paschal art and photography teacher Mr. Andrew Davila, who dedicates the club to teaching the various aspects of photography to anyone who shows up. He has been involved with photography since he was a freshman in high school when he took his first photography class. He then went to college at TCU, ultimately deciding to major in photography.
Many things related to photography cannot be taught online and must be practiced. Photography Club allows people to get hands-on experience with real cameras and even photographic film with a real photographer, Mr. Davila. His primary objective for the club is “to provide a haven for people to learn about photography and have fun doing it.”

Part of what students enjoy about the club is the ability to experiment. Not only are they taught the principles of photography, but each student has access to a DSLR camera (the kind that professional photographers use) to take their pictures, practicing the various principles for themselves. Mr. Davila frequently brings club members around the school to take pictures, both inside and out. Within the classroom, students can experiment with portrait photography, and Mr. Davila will help them understand how to better use lighting in their photographs.
One of the most popular activities of the Photography Club last year, pinhole photos, is being continued this year. Pinhole photos are essentially photographs taken with a homemade camera, which not only gives students the ability to understand the principles of light behind all of photography but also gives them the chance to develop photographs in the darkroom, an opportunity that is harder and harder to come by.
Anyone interested in black and white photography should consider joining, as Mr. Davila teaches black and white photography on both DSLR cameras and film. Club members will have the opportunity to develop black and white film into prints.

Anyone interested in sports photography should look no further than the Photography Club. Mr. Davila talked with some of the coaches here at Paschal, who have permitted him to bring club members to take photos of after-school practice. There, he will teach the essential aspects unique to sports photography.
The club is also going to be student-driven, where the members of the club create the plans for the weekly club. He wants it to be a place where students can either come in and work with the class as a group or work independently on their photography-related projects.
To elaborate on the importance of photography, Mr. Davila stated that “if [people] learn composition and photography basics, as well as editing and camera settings, [they] pay more attention to detail. Not just in photography but in the world. [They] are more observational.” He explained his personal experience when on vacation, and even in his everyday life, how he noticed so many of the finer details and intricacies of the world.
Photography is unique in art because it involves using what is already around the photographer. Unlike other art forms, in which art is created from scratch, photography requires an eye for surrounding beauty, something that stays with people forever.
All students need to do to join is show up and sign in at room 130 on Wednesdays after school from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. As with any club at Paschal, students can make new friends with whom they share a common interest. Any aspiring photographer or simply someone who likes taking photos should certainly sign up for the Photography Club to have fun and be a part of a community.
Maya Perez | Sep 21, 2023 at 9:30 am
I love this