The Ten Commandments provide moral guidance that can help you rethink your decisions before you make them. They encourage values like love, honesty, respect, and kindness. Displaying the these commandments could also be a way to respect the religious beliefs of many families.
It’s about recognizing the diversity of beliefs in our community. Now, that’s different from studying the Ten Commandments, which can help students develop critical thinking skills, learn about different religions, and understand the role of faith in people’s lives.
Even though some people are okay with bringing the Ten Commandments back into school, other people that I have spoken with; not so much. Some people I have spoken with worry that displaying the the commandments in school mixes churches with state.
However, courts ruled that displaying the Ten Commandments for historical/educational purposes, then it’s okay.
We have to remember to respect everyone’s beliefs. I think it is okay for schools to bring back the Ten Commandments. Allowing the the commandments in school can be a great way to learn about history, culture, and different beliefs.
It’s not about pushing one religion on everyone, but about understanding, and respecting where we come from.