Paschal student Ellie Grant (12) states, “This year’s homecoming game definitely had the biggest and most energetic student section that I’ve ever been a part of in my four years at Paschal. It was so fun to have such a lively student section that actually stood up, cheered, and stayed for the whole game; I think a big part of that is because of the winning streak the football team is on.”
A packed student section that stays for the whole game has become a recurring theme throughout this entire season, especially for upperclassmen.
“Showing up to support my school is especially important to me now as a senior because I’m realizing that this year is the last opportunity I’ll have to cheer on the Panthers in a crowd with my friends,” says Beverly Schluckwerder (12), who has attended every varsity football game so far this season.
She advises underclassmen to learn from her and start showing school spirit as early as possible instead of waiting until there is limited time at the end of high school.
A lively student section isn’t just important for football, though. Varsity volleyball player Zoe Brown (12) remarks, “Having a big student section is encouraging as a player.”
She urges students to “come to games”, especially when the Panthers take on rival team Arlington Heights again next Tuesday, October 15th.
Similarly, varsity basketball player Christian Patterson (12) discloses, “Having fans show up to games brings motivation and brings the energy up to want to play harder and win for the fans.”

This serves as a good reminder to keep spirits high as Paschal will soon turn the corner to winter sports like basketball and soccer, and later spring season sports like baseball and track.
With varsity volleyball’s last regular season game scheduled for October 29th and varsity football’s last district game scheduled for November 8th, students are encouraged to continue showing up in large numbers to cheer on their Panthers.

Be sure to embrace your Panther Pride by dressing on theme for each game (check out @panther.volleyball.fwtx on Instagram for volleyball game themes, and @paschal.cheer on Instagram for football game themes). PFL!