The Dangers of Fentanyl for Teens

March 22, 2023
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is responsible for an alarming increase in drug overdose deaths among teens. While fentanyl is often prescribed by doctors to manage severe pain, it is sometimes mixed with other drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. This combination can be particularly dangerous for teenagers who may not fully understand the risks associated with fentanyl use.
One of the biggest dangers of fentanyl is its potency. Fentanyl is estimated to be 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and just a small amount can be lethal. For teens who are experimenting with drugs for the first time, the risk of accidental overdose is high. Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, which can make it hard for users to know exactly what they are taking. Even if a drug is labeled as a certain type of drug, such as heroin, there is no way to know for sure if it has been laced with fentanyl. This makes it all the more important for teens to avoid experimenting with drugs in general.
If a teen does decide to experiment with drugs and begins to experience symptoms such as slowed breathing, confusion, and loss of consciousness, it is critical to seek medical attention immediately. These are all signs of an opioid overdose, which can be fatal if not treated quickly.
According to the Health Services Department at the Fort Worth ISD admin building, all nurses across the district have protocols in case of a student overdose. Shannon Cooper, the director of the health services department, says “Currently we follow our protocol for medical emergencies by phoning Emergency Medical Services while the campus emergency response team provides needed care until they arrive.” She finishes with, “We have also been meeting with consulting physicians and district administration recently to explore the possibility of implementing the use of Naloxone on our Fort Worth ISD campuses in the near future.” Naloxone, is a synthetic drug that quickly reverses an overdose by blocking the effects of opioids.
While fentanyl can be a useful tool for managing pain when used under the guidance of a doctor, it is not something that teens should be experimenting with. The risks associated with fentanyl use are simply too great, and even a single mistake can have deadly consequences. Instead, teens should focus on finding healthy ways to manage stress and anxiety and should seek help from a trusted adult if they are struggling with drug use or other issues.
Considering all this, fentanyl is a dangerous drug that can be lethal even in small amounts. Teens who are experimenting with drugs are particularly vulnerable to the risks associated with fentanyl use, and it is important for parents, educators, and other adults to educate them about the dangers of this drug. By promoting healthy coping mechanisms and providing support to teens who may be struggling with drug use, you can reach out and help prevent yourself from the devastating consequences of fentanyl.