Paschal Tutoring

The tutoring group is on a mission to help the students out at Paschal, the group will be composed of those that want to help tutor and those that need tutoring help. The purpose of the tutoring program is to give those that are struggling in their class an outlet to ask questions and feel comfortable doing so. The tutoring program allows for students that still need NHS volunteer hours to receive them, although everyone can be a tutor even if they are not in NHS or need the hours. To ensure that every student who wants to tutor is in the right position to do so, every student will be thoroughly checked and will need to provide the teacher that taught them the subject, so that we can check if the student excelled and received an above-average grade in the subject and can tutor anyone in the subject. In order to join the tutoring program, all students (tutors and those needing to be tutored) will need to fill out the google form to fill in some extra details that are needed. The students also need to join the google classroom so that they get any information that is put out there that is not sent out on remind. Finally, they need to join the remind, so that the students are aware of when and where the program is being held.

Join here:

