Changes to Attendance & Semester Exams

FWISD Calendar through January

Grace Wimberly, Editor-in-Chief

Are you tired of trying to remember which days you have to be in-person at school? Or maybe you’re sick of not being able to go full time in-person. Or maybe you’re perfectly content with doing school from your bed all day! Well there may be a solution for you…

Starting at the beginning of the third six weeks (December 7), students will choose one of three options as to how they would prefer to attend school:

  • Virtual model – students receive instruction virtually in every course, every day
  • Hybrid model – current cohort model where students receive instruction virtually on some days and in-person with their cohort two to three days a week
  • In-person model – students receive instruction on campus every day in every course

This schedule will last until January 29, 2021 and then students will be given only two options. Starting February 2, 2021 and lasting until further notice, students will choose whether they go with the all virtual model or all in-person model. Hybrid will no longer be an offer.

Not sure which one you’ll choose? If you change your mind and decide you don’t like the schedule you have now, you can change it for the next six weeks. 

Principal Mr. Langston says “Students can switch attendance models at the start of each grading period. A student who wants to change attendance models must notify the campus administrator by the established deadline.” 

In other important news, semester exams will be waived for the 2020-2021 school year! Semester averages will be calculated as an average of the six weeks report card grades. This is in an effort to maximize instructional time. 

Lots of changes are happening at Paschal, so stay tuned to the Pantherette for the latest news and updates!

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