The Paschal Band Marched Six Miles on Saturday. What Did You Do?

September 26, 2019
What happened this past Saturday? TCU and SMU battled for the Iron Skillet, leaving many horned frog fans disappointed and outraged. Texas defeated OSU, A&M lost to Auburn, and Wisconsin overtook Michigan. But did you know that something non-college-football related happened this Saturday? Paschal’s very own Mighty Panther Marching Band completed their annual March-A-Thon, marching six miles through the streets of Fort Worth.
This is one of the band’s two major fundraisers throughout the year, and their fundraising goal was $20,000. Student’s band fees only cover a portion of the funds necessary for a successful band year, so this event is very important for the band. Several years ago, the money raised from March-A-Thon went towards new uniforms for the band, which hadn’t been replaced in 10 years.
The band stepped off from Paschal at 8:30 in the morning, marching around TCU and making their way towards Blue Bonnet Circle. There, they performed a stand-still concert for family, volunteers, and community members. After a short break, the band began on the second, and longest, leg of their journey, marching through the neighborhoods near Trail Lake Drive and stopping at Foster Park. The band had a longer break, with snacks supplied by the band boosters. They performed another concert, watched by Principal Langston and School Board member Anael Luebanos, and sang happy birthday to a little girl having her birthday party at the park. Then they set off on the last leg of the march, from Foster Park through Overton Park and Tanglewood, and ending in the Trinity Commons shopping center.
“My favorite part of March-A-Thon is being able to showcase all of the work we have been doing as a band,” said sophomore Emma Milton. “It’s fun to dance to cadences that the drumline play. Sure, it’s a 10k walk, but it’s worth being able to get funds to support the band.”
Once they arrived at Trinity Commons, the band played several stand tunes for friends, family, school board members, Fort Worth city counselors, and members of the community.
Many band members said that this was the best March-A-Thon they had been a part of. Upperclassmen recalled the late start and shortened route due to rain last year, and said that this year’s event was “way better”.
“Walking around in the painful Texas heat was worth the fun and excitement of dancing and playing alongside our peers.” Said senior Fatima Albarran.
“It was a great way to show our appreciation to the supportive community,” said junior Mark Bardewa. “I would surely do it again.” онлайн займы займ 5000 рублей на картубеспроцентный займ работникубез процентный займ платиза займ личный кабинетзайм на киви без паспортагрин займ