September 16, 2019
The GoCenter is a resourceful spot where students can get help with college applications, scholarships, financial aid, and more. It is located in room 129 (right across from the library) and you can always find Allie Eckerman in there. As the College & Career Advisor in the GoCenter, her role is just that– helping students with everything regarding the equally wonderful and terrifying world of college.
The GoCenter has been a part of the college advising program in Texas for around 9 years, and at Paschal for about 5. It is funded by the state of Texas. But what exactly is the GoCenter?
The GoCenter offers many services and assistance in many subjects regarding college. Maybe you can’t really find a college that feels right for you, or you have no idea where to start on an application. The GoCenter is the place to go.
If you don’t have the financial requirements for a college you’re looking into, Ms. Eckerman will be happy to show you many of the scholarship opportunities that college has. Whether it be focused on fine arts or journalism, Ms. Eckerman will find the perfect scholarship you can apply for.
She also helps out with FAFSA and TAFSA applications. Both of these are ways you can apply for financial aid for college. FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It can help pay for your tuition and fees. TAFSA is the Texas Application for Federal Aid if you aren’t eligible to apply through FAFSA. If you need help with loans and tuition for college, go to Ms. Eckerman.

Want to go down and talk to Ms. Eckerman about a college application but don’t know when? Ms. Eckerman has a very flexible schedule. Come down to her room anytime during the school day or after school, and she will be there.
Maybe you don’t think college is for you, there are other options available! One of Ms. Eckerman ́s favorite parts of her job is ̈connecting people to a certain college or career after high school. ̈ Whether it be military or university, there’s a place for you after high school and the GoCenter is here to help you with every step along the way!
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