Help! How do I Prank?
Connor HIbbett, Sports Reporter for the Pantherette, is the consummate prankster and is sharing his prankstastic tips with the Panthernation so that everyone will have a productive Aprils Fools day.
March 26, 2019
I’m not a famous prankster – yet. I don’t have a YouTube channel and I don’t plan on making a career out of it either. But, I do like having fun with pranks. So in honor of the day of all pranks, April 1st or April fools, here are some prank essentials to pull on your friends before they prank you.
There are a wide variety of different kind of pranks you can do. A classic is ding dong ditching (DDD) which is an american tradition of ringing doorbells at odd hours in the night and then running away . DDD is one of the more original pranks, but it’s too basic and can be way too much of a risk. Truly genius pranks meet the criteria of having a low chance of the target even catching you, much less figuring out that it’s a prank in the first place.
I’ll rank some ingenious pranks based on how much fun they are, not on the chance of getting caught. I’ll start from 10 and save the best for last. I recommend recording reactions when doing these pranks. After all, the footage of the responses is what people really want to see. Not all of these were my idea. Some of these are from JStuStudios. If you like watching silly and stupid pranks, I suggest watching them. They have over two and a half million subscribers. However, pranks 7 and 8 and parts of 3 and 5 are my ideas.
#10. The fake cake – Get a fake plastic cake, make it look real, obviously, and pretend to spill it on somebody as you’re walking by them. Just watching people’s reactions and how their facial expressions change to this is what makes it so funny. People will look confused and then realize it’s a prank before you even have to tell them.
#9. Tripping and crying – This is mainly for guys since guys have more of the reputation of not crying in public and being manly and all of that. Here’s how it goes. Put a backpack on and carry a lot of random things that require you to use both hands. That way you have no extra hands to help you when you fall. When there are not a lot of people around and you see someone walk by either alone or in a small group, not large group, doesn’t matter if girl or boy, pretend to trip and drop all of your things while still having the backpack on. As you do this make sure it looks believable and not too exaggerated. After hitting the ground, hold your knee like you hurt it and start crying. See if the person or people that are close to you come and check on you. If they do keep acting out the scene for a minute or so and then tell them that it’s a prank before they start looking or asking for help.
#8. Fake computer mouse – This isn’t what it may sound like. It doesn’t involve an actual rodent. Trade out a computer mouse with something that looks like a mouse or has the same color and type of shape. Do it preferably when there is no one around because you’ll have to take the mouse (yes you’ll give it back after the prank is over) and you don’t want others thinking you’re robbing them of anything, no pun intended. I love using glasses cases. They’re usually a darker color and can slide across surfaces easily.
#7. Scream drive by – Yes, this sounds stupid and risky in some cases, which it can be. But keep in mind none of these jokes should be taken literally. It’s just a prank bro. This prank is what the name says. Simply drive by a group of people, not an individual, and scream in a corny way. The scream could sound like whatever you want it to, but I believe the most successful screams are the ones that screech. If you want the best reactions try a goat scream. If you’re not familiar with this sound just go to YouTube and type in screaming goat. This prank is extremely silly but also, in my opinion, gets the best reactions of all of these pranks.
#6. Typing obnoxiously – By this I mean extremely obnoxious. Do this for like 15 seconds nonstop very loudly in a quiet place. Take a break like you’re thinking really hard on something and start typing again. Repeat this for three to five times. Make sure your arms and hands are really moving and it’s not just your fingers. You may feel stupid while doing it, but it’s worth it.
#5. Confusing people/ asking stupid questions and doing stupid things – You can ask or do anything that questions your IQ. I’ll give some examples down below:
– Asking an employee of a respective company “Do you work here?”
– Wearing glasses upside down for a long period time/ Putting glasses on top of head and telling people at some point in a random conversation “I can’t seem to find my glasses and it’s weird because I just had them.”
– Wearing clothes backwards in public
– (guys only) Shave half your beard or do some weird shave and go out in public for a day
– Go up to a random person and start talking to them like you know them. It’s even funnier to do this to a group of people.
#4. Prank Calling/ Embarrassing Ringtones – We can all figure out prank calling, but I’m going to elaborate a little more on that topic. You can also fake a conversation. For an example let’s say you’re at a restaurant with a friend. You’re on your phone and simply just want to prank your friend for fun. Play your ringtone and tell them you have to take this call then act like you’re speaking with someone for a period of time. Yes, it’s kind of pointless because no one knows outside of you what you’re doing but your friend may get a good laugh at the end of it.
#3. Squeaky shoes in a quiet place – Nothing else needs to be said except make a scene. Make it something that makes you seem nerdy or geeky
#2. Invisible Rope – Get a friend to do this with you. Act like you’re holding a rope and stand on one side of the street and have the friend on the other. If drivers start to get pissed about this then stop immediately and move to a different area. If you really want it to work. Get several other people to walk by as cars come closer and have the people act like they’re having to step over the rope. This will really sell the trick.
#1. Universal remote – You may not know what this is, but you probably can figure it out. You basically get a remote that works on any television and start messing with other peoples TV’s. Though with this you may have to be a true prankster to get away with it. If you’re not experienced in these kind of things don’t try this at home, well, don’t take that literally, you can try it at home just not in public places.
Comment at the bottom if any of these pranks worked for you! микрозаймы онлайн займ ставропольфинансовый займзайм вива займ онлайн через систему контакт круглосуточносмс деньги займзайм в краснодаре