Day in the Life of a Teen Mom
March 4, 2019

Child Development classes recently participated in a new project designed to teach students what parenthood is all about. Students were asked to take care of a flour sack baby for the week of February 25- March 1. A flour sack baby is a pretend baby that the students have to dress, swaddle, and care for like a real baby.
Students are assigned to behave as though its a real child. The students are expected to carry these babies to all of their classes and teachers have been appointed to report any ‘child abuse’ or misconduct towards the child.
The child development teacher, Ms. Ekeroth, says that ‘students will face point deductions and possible ‘community service’ for child abuse.’ Child abuse may include leaving the baby unattended, dropping the baby, putting the baby in a backpack or locker, or not following protocol of leaving a baby in a designated nursery area in classrooms, Ekeroth said.
This project gives students the responsibility of being a parent and have something to take care of “24/7.” One sophomore student, Brooke Villegas, says this about the project “my favorite part is learning how to take care of a child on my own and realizing how strong teen moms are.”
Some of the babies have been dressed up by their ‘parents’, with beanies to keep their heads warm, pacifiers to soothe, and blankets that they’ve been swaddled up in. Check out accompanying photos to see the what flour sack babies look like and some of our own Paschal students featured with their children!