Beto vs. Cruz- What you need to know.
Beto and Cruz debate in San Antonio. (Photo was taken by the New York Times,
October 17, 2018
The two Texan Senatorial candidates, Beto O’Rourke and Ted Cruz, have gathered the attention of the entire nation. The race between Beto and Cruz has become a televised phenoma, taking center-stage on twitter and news across the country, inciting attention of numerous celebrities and public officials, positive and negative.
“I will be doing a major rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October. I’m picking the biggest stadium in Texas we can find. As you know, Ted has my complete and total endorsement. His opponent is a disaster for Texas- weak on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders, Military and Vets! ” (@realDonaldTrump)
“Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them. He is another all talk, no action pol!” (@realDonaldTrump)
Cruz and Beto agreed to several debates to discuss their stances on current issues affecting the country. The first debate took place at SMU in Dallas on September 21st, and the second debate occurred in San Antonio on October 16th.
Texas Voting registration ended on October 9th, and early voting begins on October 22nd. The elected officials will serve for a total of six years, and the next election for the seat will be in 2024. This vote is crucial and it is important to know what each candidate stands for.
- Immigration– Stop Obama’s Amnesty, secure the border, and implement a system that celebrates legal immigration
- National Security–A strong national defense safeguards the interests of the United States and ensures that we preserve the blessings of liberty.
- Healthcare- Repeal Obamacare, and implement market-based reforms to make healthcare personal, portable, and affordable
- Education- Opposes Common Core because education decisions should be made on the state and local level, where parents and communities can be more involved and find solutions better suited to their kids’ needs.
- Economy– Sen. Cruz is an enthusiastic advocate for pro-growth policies to create more opportunities for all Americans.
- Troops and veterans– Advocates for responsible spending that prioritizes our troops above other military expenditures while scrutinizing every program, like the superfluous algae fuel program, before considering cutting the job or benefits of a single soldier.
- Immigration- End the militarization of our immigration enforcement system, Pass the DREAM Act, Modernize the visa system, Reform our immigration laws.
- National Security- We’re at war in six countries right now and fighting enemies that didn’t exist when Congress authorized the global war on terrorism following 9/11. We need to support our service members by ensuring this country has defined victory; has adopted a comprehensive strategy to achieve it; and is willing to commit the resources and leadership to see it through.
- Healthcare–Improving the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by stabilizing our insurance markets. Guaranteeing continued payments for ACA subsidies that reduce enrollees’ cost-sharing and reimbursing insurers for high-cost individuals.
- Education–Increase public funding for low income and underserved communities.Strike down toxic legislation like Senate Bill 6 and any regulation that discriminates against a student based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Economy–Promote policies that encourage companies to focus on returning investments back to their consumer, their employees, and to the community.
- Troops and Veterans-Our veterans should receive the care and dignity they have earned. That begins with ensuring that every veteran can receive access to quality healthcare, timely resolutions to their disability claims and appeals, and sustainable housing.
- Gun Control– Require background checks for all gun sales to ensure that firearms only get into the hands of responsible, law-abiding individuals. This means finally closing the gun show, online, and boyfriend loopholes.
More information about the stances each candidate takes on the issues can be found on their websites, and . ( All information about the candidates is directly from their websites.)
If you want to get involved in politics and learn more about the governmental parties stances, ask Paschal Young Democrats which meets on Mondays during second lunch in Mr. Schnitizus’s room or Pascal Young Republicans who can be reached through instagram @paschalyoungrepublicans. срочный займ онлайн займ на карту без проверокonline займонлайн займ безработным тендерный займв кармане займманеза займ