Penelope Maddox
Paschal students spend their lunch sitting under the various club advertisements.
Now that students are starting to get used to their new classes for the 2023-2024 school year, it’s time to start thinking about joining clubs! Paschal has over fifty clubs for students with many different interests. If students have any questions about individual clubs, they can email or talk to the club’s sponsor.
According to Ms. Yanagida-Blow, here is the complete list of clubs and sports:
African American Society meets in room 208. Times are to be determined. Email Mrs. Olsen at apryl.olson@fwisd.org for more information.
Animation Club meets in room 134 on Thursdays from 4-5:30. You can email the sponsor at jaime.flores@fwisd.org for more information.
Athletes Bible Study meets in the Gus in room 211 during first and second lunch on Fridays. Email sponsor eddie.hora@fwisd.org for more information.
Band meets in the Band Hall. Email Mr. Walker at lance.walker@fwisd.org for more information.
Be Creative Art Club meets in room 133. This club is designed to be a space for students to be creative and to practice art skills. Email desiree.davis@fwisd.org for more information.
Biology Club meets in room 185, Wednesdays and Fridays after school. Email jenesta.salavon@fwisd.org for more information.
Tabletop Gaming Club meets in room 126 on Tuesdays after school. Email keelan.yowell@fwisd.org for more information.
Board Games Club meets in room 209 on Mondays after school. Email the sponsor, Ms. Hockstad, at grace.hockstad@fwisd.org.
Build On meets in room 234. You can email the sponsor at ivy.beasley@fwisd.org for more information.
Chess Club meets in room 270 on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 4:30. You can email the sponsor at elias.valverde@fwisd.org for more information.
Choir meets in room 173. Talk to Mr. Benavides or email him at nathan.benavides@fwisd.org for more information.
Feminist Club meets in room 202. Talk to sponsor Ms. Kirchner, or email her at casey.kirchner@fwisd.org for more information.
Film Club meets in room 221. Talk to Ms. Buckner or email her at terry.buckner@fwisd.org for more information.
Fool’s Club (unicycling) meets in room 288. See sponsor Mr. Tran, or email him at long.tran@fwisd.org, for more information.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) meets in room 258 on Wednesdays at 7:45, during 2nd lunch, and after school. Email the sponsor at alfredo.martinezreyes@fwisd.org for more information.
Future Tattoo Artist Club meets twice a month in room 252. Email the sponsor at jamar.gorman@fwisd.org for more information.
G.S.A. (Gay Straight Alliance) meets in room 264. Talk to Ms. Shannon or email her at january.shannon@fwisd.org for more information.
Hispanic Society meets in 274 on Thursdays after school. Email the sponsor at sandra.pedroza@fwisd.org for more information.
Japanese Anime and Manga Club meets in room 134 on Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. Email the sponsor at jaime.flores@fwisd.org for more information.
Japanese Culture Club meets in room 175 from 4-5 p.m. Email the sponsor at clarissa.bayse@fwisd.org for more information.
Journeys meets in room 300 on Wednesdays from 3:50 to 4:50. Journeys aims to “provide our students with the right tools to advance in TELPAS scores, aid in drop-out prevention, and increase EB graduation rates.” Email the sponsor at melissa.jones2@fwisd.org for more information.
Junior Optimist International Club (JOI) meets in room 157 during lunch. Email the sponsor at andrea.faries@fwisd.org for more information.
Junior State of America (JSA) meets in room 285 on Wednesdays after school. Talk to Mr. Haley or email him at davin.haley@fwisd.org for more information.
Key Club meets in room 239 on Tuesdays, before and after school. Talk to the sponsor, Mrs. Hedges, or email her at heather.hedges@fwisd.org for more information.
Kick meets in room 411 on Mondays-Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. Email the sponsor at anita.richardson@fwisd.org for more information.
Korean Culture Club meets in room 134 on Fridays from 4-6 p.m. Email the sponsor at jaime.flores@fwisd.org for more information.
My Brother’s Keeper meets in room 270 on Tuesdays during 2nd lunch. Email the sponsor at elias.valverde@fwisd.org for more information.
National Honor Arts Society meets in room 228 from 4-5 p.m., starting in October. It “will be an academic-based Art Club where students will come together and create at least one meaningful art event per semester for the Paschal community to get together and create art.” Email the sponsor at valerie.lopez@fwisd.org for more information.
National Honors Society “is by invitation only. Eligible students are invited in the spring of their sophomore year.” Contact Ms. Bruns at dawn.bruns@fwisd.org for more information.
Papercrafting meets in room 154 on Tuesdays after school. Contact the sponsor at pamela.conover@fwisd.org for more information.
Paschal E-Sports meets in room 134 on Tuesdays from 4-5 p.m. Email the sponsor at jaime.flores@fwisd.org for more information.
Paschal Progressives meets in room 221. Talk to the sponsor, Ms. Buckner, or email her at terry.buckner@fwisd.org for more information.
Penta Club is a competitive math club that meets in room 226. Talk to Mrs. Hedges or email her at heather.hedges@fwisd.org for more information.
Pickleball Club meets in room 258. Email the sponsor at alfredo.martinezreyes@fwisd.org for more information.
Photography Club meets in room 130 on Wednesdays from 4-5 pm. Email the sponsor at andrew.davila@fwisd.org for more information.
Recycling Club meets in room 287. Talk to Ms. Anderson or email her at patricia.anderson@fwisd.org for more information.
Scrapbooking Club meets in room 154 on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Email the sponsor at pamela.conover@fwisd.org for more information.
Science Club/ Science Bowl meets in room 285 on Thursdays after school. Talk to the sponsor, Mr. Haley, or email him at davin.haley@fwisd.org
Student Council meets in room 209 before school or during lunch. Talk to the sponsor, Ms. Hockstad, or email her at grace.hockstad@fwisd.org for more information.
Students Tutor Students meets in room 239 on Wednesdays after school. Talk to the sponsor, Ms. Sechrist, or email her at madeline.sechrist@fwisd.org for more information.
Suit Up: Cosplay Built Club meets in room 265 on dates to be determined. “This club will be dedicated to the sharing of ideas, skills, and, possibly, materials in support of constructing cosplay costumes.” Email the sponsor at brandon.wheatley@fwisd.org for more information.
Table Top Gaming Club meets in room 265. Email the sponsor at brandon.wheatley@fwisd.org for more information.
TAFE (Texas Association Future Educators) meets in room 152. Email the sponsor at mindy.ekeroth@fwisd.org for more information.
Texas Future Music Educators meets in room 173. This club “will focus on the advancement and education of those hoping to become music educators in the future. This (hopefully) will cover students from all different types of performing arts.” Email the sponsor at diana.benoit@fwisd.org for more information.
The Innocence Project meets in room 286. Email the sponsor at kelley.currin@fwisd.org for more information.
Vagabonds (Drama club) meets in room 141. Meeting times and information are announced through Instagram @paschaltheatre. Email the sponsor at andrew.weesner@fwisd.org for more information.
Weekly Board Games meets in room 126 on Tuesdays. Email the sponsor at keelan.yowell@fwisd.org for more information.
Whiz Quiz meets in room 406 on Mondays after school. Email Mr. Haley at davin.haley@fwisd.org or Mr. Connally at ian.connally@fwisd.org for more information.